Reviews & Testimonials
A selection of reviews and testimonials from our avid readers!
(Please leave a review on the “These Boots” product page)

“Wow what a true inspiration
you are .. in all that you have
endured you still find the good.
What a read I literally had
goosebumps from the moment
I read the first page and could
not put this book down. I
literally read in one day and I
am not a reader. I will certainly
look at cowboy boots in a
whole different light. I need me
a pair.”
– Belinda.

“Just finished reading your book, trying to find the words ,and you know l can normally find plenty .Beautifully written,expressed emotions and you brought it to life, visually, emotionally and spiritually. Thankyou for putting you boots of courage to share,and to inspire others who still have their school shoes on .
In respect.”
– Therese.

“I have just finished your book. Amazing Story and I can say I have a few tears in my eyes while I’m writing you this. I just want to give you and your amazing husband the biggest squeezes. YOU Ange & your amazing hubby are the most beautiful humans I know. We might not be super close friends….but I’m am truly humbled to call you friends 🙏🏼 You keep being you x”
– Deb.

“Started last night!!! Heartbreaking, vulnerable, compelling, heartwarming and inspiring! Thank you AJ and
– Simone

“I have just finished reading your wonderful book.
WOW what a journey you and your boots have had.
I applaud you for writing such a book. It would not have been easy bringing up all the old memories.
Well done Ange. I loved the book and once started I couldn’t put it down.“
– Robyn

“Wow Ange, I just loved the book. Well Done!
You certainly are a strong woman and bloody resilient.
My Wife Kathy also read your book (in a single day mind you) she couldn’t put it down.
We have such admiration for everyone who has overcome painful challenges and not let the toxicity and revolting actions of others beat them down.
Continue to Kick Ass in those many pairs of Boots!“
– Adam

“Started last night and finished this morning. Tragic, Heart Breaking and Heart Warming.
You are an absolute inspiration to anyone who has been in a similar situation.
Congratulations AJ Dunne on fulfilling so many dreams and overcoming so many challengers.
You are a true survivor.“
– Michelle

“I couldn’t put the book down. I just wanted to find out what happened with Clancy next. You couldn’t imagine a child going through what she did. You definitely felt every emotion she was going through.
I highly recommend “These Boots” book. AJ Dunne as an author kept the story easy to read and had you interested right till the last page!“
– Tina

“This book is heart wrenching and raw. As a mother I just want to hug Clancy and keep her safe.“
– Elizabeth

“Ange this is an amazing read.
I laughed, cried and celebrated.
I loved every minute.
You are an amazing woman!!!!!”
– Catherine

“Hi Angeline, I read your book
in one day, (as I couldn’t put
it down). I look forward to your next book!!“
– Patricia