These Boots

(2 customer reviews)


What secrets do you hide?

Mine have been tucked safely into my well-worn and well-loved boots that have travelled with me, until now.

I have whispered, screamed, laughed, cried, and confided to no one other than my boots-the keeper of my secret life, joys, sorrows, successes, pain, and torment…

What secrets do you hide?

Mine have been tucked safely into my well-worn and well-loved boots that have travelled with me, until now.

I have whispered, screamed, laughed, cried, and confided to no one other than my boots-the keeper of my secret life, joys, sorrows, successes, pain, and torment

The story they would spin, you would never believe in a million years. A silent, relentless, exhausting battle of survival, but I triumphed.

Just like my boots, I was resilient and epitomised the saying, “Never judge a person until you’ve walked in their boots.”

Dust off your boots and walk with me for a bit. We’re going on the ride of your life to kick some ass-the cowboy way, with spirit and courage.

Saddle up…

2 reviews for These Boots

  1. Elizabeth Farquharson

    I bought this book on Tuesday night and finished it by Thursday. I simply could not put it down! A heart wrenching and raw story that made me want to hug young Clancy and let my kids know how much I love them. This story broke my heart, picked me up and threw me around a bit! A bit like riding a bronc. AJ has poured her heart and soul into this book. If you haven’t read it, pull on your favourite boots and start reading!

  2. Therese Arnold (verified owner)

    Remarkable story of true courage amidst adversity!! One strong lady who takes us through hard times but never gives up . A beautiful read highly recommend *****

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